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What is Ministry?

Ministry is not merely a task but a calling, a chance to extend God's love and grace to others in meaningful ways. Whether you're drawn to outreach, worship, education, or any other aspect of ministry, your unique gifts and passions are invaluable in furthering the Kingdom's work.


Getting involved in ministry is more than just a commitment; it's an opportunity for personal growth, spiritual enrichment, and building deeper connections within our church family. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those we serve and in our broader community.


We encourage you to explore the various ministries available, pray for discernment, and step forward with confidence knowing that your contribution, no matter how small it may seem, is significant in God's eyes.

Thank you for considering this call to service. Let us walk together in faith, love, and service as we seek to glorify God in all that we do.

Team Ministries


We will contact you after you have completed the form for the next steps in adding you to your selected team(s).


If desired to be a part of more than one team, please fill out form again with newly selected team. Thank you!


Please contact us if any issues occur, we will be glad to assist you. God Bless!

Thanks for submitting!

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